DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2009.V1.8
Understanding Code Patterns – Analysis,Interpretation & Measurement
Abstract—This research paper aims to find, analyze and understand code patterns in any software system and measure its quality by defining standards and proposing a formula for the same. Every code that is written can be divided into different code segments, each having its own impact on the overall system. We can analyze these code segments to get the code quality. The measures used in this paper include Lines of Code, Number of calls made by a module, Execution time, the system knowledge of user and developers, the use of generalization, inheritance, reusability and other object-oriented concepts. The entire software code is divided into code snippets, based on the logic that they implement. Each of these code snippets has an impact. This measure is called Impact Factor and is valued by the software developer and/or other system stakeholders. Efficiency = (Code Area / Execution Time) * Qr
Index Terms—code area, code patterns, efficiency, lines of code, pattern recognition, software quality
Jitesh Dundas is working as a research associate with Edencore Technologies( He is also a Web Developer with JR Technologies, Mumbai-400076, India. He can be reached at (+91-9860925706; e-mail: This work was not supported by any institution financially.
Cite: Jitesh Dundas, "Understanding Code Patterns – Analysis, Interpretation & Measurement," International
Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 46-55, 2009.
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