Two Hand Gesture Recognition Using Stereo Camera
Abstract—This paper proposes method for gesture recognition by two hands. In this research stereo camera was used to calculate depth map of the frame. Based on depth information precise tracking of the hands was applied. Depth map calculates in hardware level. Over sensitivity of camera to light generates horizontal noise. Especially appeared horizontal noise affects on tracking two hands located in same altitude. In this paper we suggest masking method to avoid horizontal noise in software level.
Index Terms—Hand tracking, stereo camera, two hand gesture recognition, horizontal noise, dynamic programming,depth map.
Rustam Rakhimov Igorevich is with the Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (e-mail: rustam@
Pusik Park, was with the Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea.He is now with the SoC Research Platform Center (
Jongchan Choi is with the Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea.He is now Vice President in System IC R&D department. (e-mail:
Dugki Min is Professor in Department of Computer Science, Konkuk University, Korea (e-mail:
Cite: Rustam Rakhimov Igorevich, Pusik Park, Jongchan Choi, and Dugki Min, "Two Hand Gesture Recognition Using Stereo Camera," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 69-72, 2013.
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