PLC Impulsive Noise in Industrial Zone: Measurement and Characterization
Abstract—Noise in PLC is of relatively complex structure of which the most important component is the asynchronous impulsive noise. Based on measurements realized in an industrial zone, this paper shows the heavy tail phenomenon observed in experimental measures. Consequently, the alpha stable model is the most natural to be used in describing the statistics of PLC impulsive noise in industrial zones. Furthermore, the inter-arrival time is of Pareto distribution while the duration of impulses follows a mixed exponential distribution. All parameters of the alpha stable model as well as the Pareto parameters and the mixed exponents are statistically estimated. The variation of these parameters with time is also discussed.
Index Terms—Power line communication, impulsive noise, measurement and characterization
Tran Huu Trung is with the Haiphong Private University, Vietnam(e-mail:
Do Duc Dung was with the Bacha International University, now with the Samsung Electronics Vietnam (e-mail:
Huynh Huu Tue was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Laval University, Canada, now with the School of Electrical Engineering, International University, HCM, Vietnam (
Cite: Trung H. Tran, Dung D. Do, and Tue H. Huynh, "PLC Impulsive Noise in Industrial Zone: Measurement and Characterization," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 48-51, 2013.
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