DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2012.V4.611
Design and Implementation of Object Seeking Robot
Abstract—This paper presents the design and implementation of an object seeking robot. The robot controller is first implemented using an FPGA for fast prototyping. All parts of the design have been simulated and implemented using Xilinx tools. The system controller is then implemented using PIC16F84A single chip microcontroller to achieve low power consumption, and quick movement, which is a basic requirement in environments where quick response is needed in continuously changing dynamic situations. The robot sensors are part of an object tracking program to determine the location of certain objects and act as actuators for the control system, which operates two DC motors. The speed and direction of the movements are based on the received information from the sensors. The robot was tested and found to meet the specification for reliable operation.
Index Terms—Components, object seeking robot,microcontroller, Xillinx, FPGA.
Alauddin Al-Omary is with Information Technology, University ofBahrain (UOB), Al-Sukhir, Kingdom of Bahrain (
Cite: Alauddin Al-Omary, "Design and Implementation of Object Seeking Robot ," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 816-820, 2012.
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