DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2012.V4.571
Modeling and Validation of Object-Oriented Database System
Abstract—The present paper deals with the role of Unified Modeling Language (UML) in the object-oriented database system. The object oriented database technology is considered as fifth generation database technology and it is a combination of object-oriented system and the database management system. A real case study of Indian Postal Services (Savings Bank) is discussed i.e. how various banking services and products can be classified. The db4o is an open source object-oriented database management system, which is used to store the data and its modeling aspects, which are represented with the help of UML use case, class, state and sequence diagrams. Validation of the state diagram is done by transforming the UML state diagram into finite state machine and valid input strings are generated as test cases.
Index Terms—Class diagram, finite state machine, oodbms, sequence diagram, state diagram, uml, use-case diagram and validation.
Vipin Saxena is with the Deptt. of Computer Science(e-mail:
Cite: Vipin Saxena and Ajay Pratap, "Modeling and Validation of Object-Oriented Database System," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 626-631 , 2012.
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