DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2012.V4.540
Effect of Statcom on Distance Relay Performance in A Transmission Line
Abstract—Contour base Object tracking is an important task in computer vision. The problem involves the tracking of the boundary contour of a moving and deforming object in a sequence of images. Normally the problem is solved as follows. First, the contour of the object is obtained in the first frame. Once, a rough contour of the desired structure is available on the first image of the sequence, the system automatically outlines the contours on the subsequent images at video rate. Contour base Object tracking is useful in many areas such as motion based recognition, automated surveillance, humancomputer interaction, traffic monitoring, vehicle navigation etc. Complexity in the problem may arise due to noise in the images, complex object motion, complex object shapes, occlusion etc.
Index Terms—Distance relay, FACTS devices, power system protection, modeling, STATCOM, digital distance relay algorithm.
The authors are with GITAM university Vishakapatnam, India (,
Cite: Sriteja. Alapati and B. Durga prasad, "Effect of Statcom on Distance Relay Performance in A Transmission Line," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 489-492, 2012.
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